There are people in the world who have a such a bounty of love for life that they seem to radiate energy.  They are joyous and magnetic.  How do they do it?  What is their secret to happiness?

It’s quite simple really, they truly love themselves.

How do you fall in love with yourself?

Take pride

Love of one’s self is connected to how you value yourself.  Are you proud of your accomplishments and growth? Have you worked hard to secure your lifestyle? When you put aside your self-doubt and truly feel that you deserve the best life you can build, then you can truly make a change. It starts by discarding all of your bad habits. Once you have done this, you can find your inner strength. You may need a physical reminder of what you love about yourself. Start with a simple journal entry and let the compliments flow.  Make a commitment to leading with these strengths every day.  Once you become in tune with your best assets you will celebrate these great qualities with the rest of the world!

Reward yourself

We are all familiar with the necessity of treats to brighten up our day to day lives.  This kind of reward is just the tip of the iceberg. You know you are worth the best, so give yourself permission to put faith in your own wisdom.

You know you love yourself. Prove it by putting yourself first in your decision making.  You know what is best for you, so go out there and do it!  Try it for a day.

Take a chance

Everyone has something they have always wanted to do, but have never tried.  Give it a chance.  Be proud of your skills and interests. Take small steps. If you have always enjoyed singing but don’t want to rush the stage at karaoke night, practice singing with an app until you are ready to take flight.  Pick something and go for it! 

Pull out all of the stops!

If you truly want more out of life, you have to do more.  Challenge yourself a little bit every day.  Every time you take a risk, imagine another spoonful of love filling up an empty bucket. Soon you will see that small risks add up to big benefits. The reward is you loving yourself a little more each day.

You can have the zest for life you have always admired.

Happy people seem confident and joyous because they are actively practicing the best application of their lives.  They enjoy life because they are invested in it and are striving for their best life.  Their confidence comes from challenges accepted and completed. This happiness can be yours.  It’s right there inside of you.

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