Programming Your Pendulum

You need to start by programming your pendulum, and once you do, you will be able to know what answers it gives you. You can program it to give yes, no, and maybe answers. You have to use your energies to communicate with your pendulum. Everyone does this differently, and this is the first thing that you need to do before doing a reading.

Programming Your Pendulum

Before you do a reading, it’s important to program your pendulum. Find a comfortable place to sit. This can be on your couch, floor, bed, or wherever you feel calm and collected. Focus on being able to connect with your pendulum.

You can prepare for your pendulum reading by being calm, having a clear heart and mind, and being grounded. Don’t cross your arms or legs. You can sit wherever you want, but the best place is by a table so that you can stabilize your arm and not move it.

Using your dominant hand, you should pick up your pendulum by the end of the string or rope. Hold this between your index finger and your thumb. Ensure that the chain or rope is long enough for the pendulum to swing freely. As you hold your pendulum, ask it to show you which way is a yes answer. Let your pendulum start swinging in one direction, whether left or right, clockwise or counterclockwise. Then, ask which direction has no answer.

Make sure that you repeat this a few times to know which way the pendulum swings for your answers. Then, ask questions that you know the answers to, such as, “Am I a woman?” and then ask questions that are no answers that you know the answers to. After you ask your questions and know that your pendulum is swinging right, you will not have to program it again because the answer will always stay the same.

Final Thoughts

These are all the things that you need to do to be ready to use your pendulum. Ensure that your energies are in tune with your pendulum and that you are listening for your yes or no answers to do your reading correctly.

Cleanse your pendulum’s energy after you use it to remove any negative energy that might have attached to it.


  1. The suggestion to cleanse the pendulum’s energy after use is interesting. It indicates a belief in the transference of negative energy, which might be a topic for further study.

  2. The importance of grounding oneself and having a clear heart and mind during the process is emphasized. This could be an interesting aspect to explore further.

    • Indeed, the psychological state of the user could affect the outcome. It might be worth investigating the consistency of results across different emotional states.

  3. Holding the pendulum with the dominant hand and ensuring free movement are practical tips. It’s good to see such detailed instructions for beginners.

    • Practical instructions like these ensure that users have a clear guide to follow, potentially increasing the efficacy of their readings.

  4. The focus on achieving a calm and collected state before using the pendulum is notable. It suggests that the mental state of the practitioner can significantly impact the accuracy of the readings.

  5. The methodology of programming the pendulum as described seems to prioritize establishing a consistent framework for obtaining answers. It’s intriguing how the direction of swing can be standardized to yes or no responses.

  6. I’m curious about the mechanism behind the pendulum’s movement. The article doesn’t go into the details of how individual energy influences the swing direction.

  7. The recommendation to test the pendulum with known questions is a sound approach. It helps in establishing trust in the process before moving on to more complex queries.

  8. The method for calibrating the pendulum to determine yes and no answers seems thorough. Repeating the process multiple times to ensure accuracy is a logical step.

    • Yes, consistency is key in any experimental setup. This repetition helps establish a reliable baseline for future readings.


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