A Guide to Remote Viewing for the Inexperienced

A Guide to Remote Viewing for the InexperiencedWhat if I told you that you could discern information on a situation that was happening somewhere across the globe? The experts call this “remote viewing”, and it is a skill that has been handed down for generations. However, it’s also a learnable skill…

Remote Viewing Overview

Being able to sense certain details about a situation that is happening in a separate location from your body is the ability of remote viewing. These situations can be people, events, rooms, and scenery that you could actually catch glimpses of and witness with your mind, as they are happening. Some relate it to clairvoyance and astral projection, but remote viewing does not include the person leaving their body, rather just seeing something happen in a different location.

The Origin

Perceiving details about situations from a distance finds its roots in the ancient Grecian society. Even though it has undergone numerous transformations, this practice became very prevalent in the modern era when the spiritual movement came about. There was a large buzz around the concept of Astral Travel, in which the person left the body to view other locations. This focus eventually shifted to remote viewing so that people could begin to see situations and places without needing to travel. Experts found this was a more achievable and learnable trait than Astral Travel.

How to Practice Remote Viewing

Before the process can be successful, you need to put yourself in the right head space. Your physical state needs to be fully engulfed by your mental state, and then you must surrender that mental state completely. Allow yourself to take in every piece of information that you place your focus on, from the size and shape of the objects in a room to the smells and ambient noise of a location. This technique of complete surrender will benefit experts and beginners in substantial ways.

  1. Start off Simple

The more basic the trial, the easier you’ll develop this skill and begin to tap into your natural remote viewing abilities. Have someone place an image or an object in a hidden place (and, of course, be sure to abstain from having any knowledge of that the object could be).

You can also have your helping hand exit the premise and go to another location, still nearby. Whether it’s another room or outside the building, make sure that you have no idea where they would go, and then ask them to do some specific action that you wouldn’t know. If you focus hard on what they are doing, you should be able to tell them what their motion was when they return.

  1. Choose A Focal Point

Have a friend cut out some images from a magazine. Now, these are most effective when they are placed on a blank sheet of paper, with each image having its own piece of paper. Also, these need to be images from nature, man-made scenery, or people. Using cartoon images will not lead to the desired results. Also, the subject of the images should be something that you have neutral feelings towards.

  1. Focus your Mind

While focusing on the image, try to discern the details of it. Don’t worry about the haze and shroud of uncertainty that may settle upon you. Try to ignore the inevitable memories that will come up as you try to envision an object or image out of thin air. You have to cut away all of the excess thought and memory of the past to focus on the present in the situation. One great technique for this is meditation, which can help you begin to perceive the image as if you were looking through a telescope.

  1. Do not Doubt

There will be many different images that can pop into your mind as you try to focus on one specific object. You have to recognize the object as soon as you see it, so don’t pass anything by until you’ve ruled it out. If you let your mind wander from the object once you’ve found it, a sense of doubt will begin to creep in, leading you to rule out the incorrect object. Trust your instincts and do not let personal bias get in the way.

Writing down what you are seeing can definitely help. Writing down the images creates a connection between your brain and your nervous system, so the image will begin to travel throughout your body. If it’s the correct image, you’ll be able to feel it in your whole body, from your very core. Trust that feeling.

  1. Look Further

Once you’ve witnessed the correct image, try to see what is surrounding the image. Envision the piece of paper the image is on, and the ground that the paper is laying on. Envision past the ground to the surrounding area, but don’t let your imagination wander. Only envision what your mind’s eye can see past the image. Once you begin seeing the surrounding details, then your remote viewing will really come to light.

Make sure to continue this practice and expand to new types of information to challenge your abilities and grow your mind’s capacity for remote viewing.