Deceased Loved Ones Talk to Us

Many people struggle with the loss of a loved one. The absence leaves a big hole in the heart, and the longing for connection can be intense.

As more people seek to reconnect, interest in mediums has risen. Mediums offer their abilities to guide people in communication, getting information, and resolving issues left by a loved one’s passing.

However, those attuned to spirituality understand that humans were created as eternal beings. The soul and spirit do not die—while the physical connection is gone, the bond remains. You don’t need a medium to connect with your loved ones.

7 Ways Loved Ones Talk to Us

Loved ones use different ways to get our attention and let us know they are still present. Here are the most common signs.


Dreams are a powerful way for spirits to communicate because the mind is quiet and receptive.

You may dream of being in their kitchen, having a conversation, or doing something you both enjoyed. Pay attention to what they say—these messages may offer advice, reassurance, or guidance on a decision you need to make.

A Real-Life Example

A young woman spent her inheritance from her mother on unexpected expenses like doctor’s bills, home repairs, and car maintenance. She felt guilty, believing she had wasted the money.

Then, she had a dream.

In the dream, her mother reassured her: “Don’t worry about the money. I’m glad I could provide for you when you needed it.”

Sensing a Presence

Some people have a heightened spiritual awareness and can sense energy shifts. However, even those who are not deeply intuitive may notice signs.

Common Signs of a Presence

  • A change in the energy of a room
  • A sudden emotional shift
  • A noticeable drop in temperature
  • A pet acting interested or alarmed

If you understand how your space normally feels, you’ll notice when an unfamiliar presence enters.

Physical Sensations

Some people experience physical signs when a loved one is near. This could include:

  • A feeling of being hugged or touched
  • The scent of their perfume, cologne, or favorite flower
  • Hearing their voice—either in your mind or externally

This is most common immediately after a loved one’s passing but can continue for years, especially if it brings comfort. Loved ones will use the method of communication that feels safest and most reassuring for you.

Electrical Interference

Some spirits use electronics to get your attention. This can include:

  • Lights flickering unexpectedly
  • A toy turning on by itself
  • A meaningful song playing on the radio at just the right moment

Since these events often have logical explanations, pay attention to timing. If an electrical disturbance happens exactly when you need an answer, sign, or reassurance, it could be your loved one reaching out.

A Real-Life Example

A woman inherited her mother’s car after her passing. Her mother always said she never wanted a man to drive it.

One day, the woman’s husband asked to drive the car. Without thinking, she agreed.

The car wouldn’t start.

She got into the driver’s seat and tried. It started immediately.


Some people receive personalized signs from loved ones. These often relate to something meaningful from their life.

For example, a father always told his son he would pick up a penny off the ground whenever he saw one.

After the father’s passing, the son constantly found pennies on the ground—especially during significant moments in his life.

Movement of Objects

Keys, jewelry, or everyday objects may disappear from where you left them, only to reappear in the same place after you’ve searched the entire house.

This is rare and often dismissed as forgetfulness. However, if it happens routinely, it could be a loved one trying to get your attention.


Seeing an apparition is the rarest form of contact because it requires immense energy for a spirit to appear.

This is more common shortly after a loved one’s passing but could happen anytime if there is enough energy.

However, it also depends on the mental and emotional openness of the person seeing the apparition. Many people are not ready for such an experience, making it even rarer.

Things to Avoid

Many people desperately want to reach out to deceased loved ones. In doing so, they sometimes try dangerous methods that open spiritual doors best left closed.


  • Ouija boards
  • Seances
  • Any ritual that invites spirits in

These practices can attract dark entities that impersonate loved ones and cause emotional or spiritual distress.

Let Communication Happen Naturally

Your loved ones will reach out in a way that is safe and natural for you. Be patient, stay aware, and trust that their presence is always near.


  1. The discussion around spiritual connections is fascinating! There’s a wealth of research on the impact of grief and how it influences our perception of signs from loved ones. This article raises interesting points about dreams and physical sensations.

  2. “They say when you lose someone you love, they never really leave you.” That hit home for me while reading this post. I remember finding coins after my granddad passed away; it gave me comfort back then, and now I see why! 💖

  3. “Let communication happen naturally,” they say. But what if I don’t get any signs? Should I just keep waiting indefinitely while my friends are out there getting hugs in their dreams? Kind of feels like a cosmic game of hide-and-seek… 🌌

  4. Isn’t it ironic how we often overlook the simplest forms of communication? We want grand gestures from our departed but often miss the little signs they send our way, like flickering lights or a familiar scent. 🤔

  5. Honestly, this is just another attempt to exploit people’s grief. Mediums and signs from the beyond are just comforting tales for those who can’t cope. We need to face reality instead of chasing phantoms. 🙄

  6. “Signs” from dead relatives? Please! If my grandma could send me messages, she’d just text me! It’s a stretch to think she’s sending pennies instead. I mean, really? 😂

  7. “Avoiding Ouija boards and seances? Sure, because who needs closure when you can just sit around waiting for a penny to show up? Classic way to deal with loss—just ignore it until a spirit decides to drop by!” 😂

  8. I absolutely loved this article! It beautifully captures the essence of how our loved ones continue to communicate with us even after they have passed. The examples provided made me feel connected and hopeful. 🌟


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